Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What a week!!

Between me working 78 hours (total of both jobs) and Brent helping his company move locations this week, plus Tristan starting Physical Therapy....man have we been busy!  I was beginning to wonder if the weekend would ever get here.

Monday we had our initial visit for Tristan regarding Torticollis.  He has a slight flat spot on the back of his head and the doctor was talking about putting him in a helmet.  Needless to say the tummy time was definitely upped a little in our house.  Nanette is our therapist and she was quite complementary regarding our parenting so far.  She stated of all her torticollis patients thus far, Tristan has the mildest case.  It was great to hear, however we want to correct what he does have at the moment.  We will be going to therapy a couple of times a week for 6 weeks.  While we are in therapy, we will be working on range of motion in the neck and arms and she wants to work on him using his right hand more.  Who am I to stop her?

Tristan adores Nanette!

Tuesday Daddy was able to stay home with Tristan since Mommy went to work at the store.  (Yay for Gift Wrap Wonderland set up!!)  The boys had a fabulous day together and managed to get quite a bit of tummy time in....with Hannah.
(Every time I attempt to correct the photos, this one changes directions.  Picking my battles and hoping you are okay with turning your head for one shot.)

Hey furrball, what are you looking at?

Can I play also?
Wednesday morning was just as fun during tummy time, but before that we had to lay in bed talking.

Tristan's morning smiles

No really, she LOVES helping during tummy time.
Thursday morning was a bit different.  We woke up to the same cute baby, but he decided he would begin talking this morning.  I was ecstatic when he let me video a snipit of our "conversation."

10.18.12 Learning to talk

Then there was Friday!!  Oh what fabulous Friday brings.  (On days I work at the store, I have to get Tristan and myself ready, head to the store, meet Brent to swap cars and let him know what we did/what needs to be done and how the day went.  Brent then heads home with Tristan to start their night together.) When Brent met us at the store, the day had already been chaotic.  I needed to go to the office earlier, but we ended up in horrific traffic at 2pm.  I thought we would never get there.  We didn't get to leave until 5 and again we managed to get stuck in traffic.  Luckily it wasn't quite as bad, but Tristan was still upset 80% of the drive.  Of course we get 5 minutes from the store and he finally passes out from crying the entire trip.  We get there and I ended up having to wake him.  Once Daddy arrived.....

I like when I see my Daddy!!
Needless to say it was a busy week, but these are some fun highlights.  Saturday Brent had to work at the new location, so Tristan and I relaxed quite a bit.  It was well deserved and enjoyed.  :)

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