There are many MANY times when I feel so utterly blessed to be able to stay home with Tristan. There are also times when I think back on my days of sitting at work with nothing to do but play family feud and stalk around on Facebook. Though I'm not "busy" 100% of my day, I feel exhausted by the time Brent comes walking through that front door. I guess Tristan has had enough of me because from the second he sees Daddy until the time Brent picks him up, solid tears streaming! This kid LOVES when he sees Daddy coming to get him. Not only does he get that pure excited smile on his face, but he starts kicking like he wants to just run straight to him! One day I will be good enough to capture it on camera. I secretly know (not just think) it is the best 5 minutes of Brent's day EVERY day. When Tristan gets in Daddy's arms, he begins snuggle hugging him and does not want to let go. I think it is the absolute cutest thing ever!!
I have officially changed my schedule and will no longer be working until the wee hours of the morning. I will be able to come home at a some what decent hour and hopefully get Tristan to sleep earlier than 2am!! I'm not sure who is more excited about this, but I for one and ready to start waking up at a normal time every day again. Sleep training shall commence soon!! Stay tuned for updates!
Speaking of sleep, I'm all ears if anyone is willing to share any and all advice. We find out we are having a baby, pick out the most gorgeous crib, get the brand new crib completely free (which baffled the sales associate at the store) and this child despises, not just hates, to sleep in it! Yes, we lay him down sleepy yet awake. Yes, he takes naps in there. Yes, I have attempted to soothe him and not pick him up and to just cry it out.....he starts screaming, which then makes the damn cats come in our bed trying to get us to 'fix it!' There are times this adorable little angel only sleeps 10 minute spans in his crib. Yes, this is one of them. I just would love a tried and true method for teaching the child he can sleep in his crib and yes he CAN do it for more than an hour at a time. I feel horrible because some nights he is all warm and cozy under his blanket, yet his cheeks and ears are freezing. The thermometer in the house is on 78/79 and we have a space heater on 81 pointed directly on him. He sleeps in a long sleeve footed pajama onesie and is still cold?? So many things I read said to keep the temp in the 60s. (Sorry, this girl is from Texas. There is NEVER a day when my house will be in the 60s with a working a/c and heater!) I'm just not sure what is going on so I can fix it. The doctor said to get him to sleep through the night....and left it at that. So okay. I just come home and tell him to sleep through the night? Yeah, no! How do you MAKE a baby sleep through the night?
Tristan has 4 front teeth and is chewing away. We went to a baby food making class and are getting an in home session soon! Can't wait to start seeing all the funny faces of veggies and fruits. :)
It is 3AM and the boys have been it is my turn.